Bisexual activist appointed supervisor in San Francisco
by David-Elijah Nahmod San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has appointed bisexual activist Christina Olague to that city’s Board of Supervisors.
The 24th National Creating Change Conference
It was very encouraging to see such a broad scope in topics as Sex Work, the Bisexual, Leather and other Communities (such as those Asexual) represented, and a day long organizing institute addressing queer economic issues such as Racism, Classism, Immigration, HIV/AIDS, Disability and Homelessness, all of which have been left behind in advocacy far too long.
Shattering the Silence Around HIV/AIDS in the Black Community
While only representing 14 percent of the U.S. population, Black men and women account for 44 percent of all new HIV infections, according to the most recent information collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2009. We are the most disproportionately impacted racial/ethnic group across all sub-populations [e.g., men, women, youth, and men who sleep with men (MSM)] in the United States — at all stages of the disease — from new infections to deaths.
Children’s book list shows diversity across LGBTQ spectrum
Not in the top 10, but also reflecting this mix of sexuality and gender are Lili Wilkinson’s Pink and Alex Sanchez’ Boyfriends with Girlfriends, which have bisexual leading characters, and Shimura Takako’s graphic novel Wandering Son, which has a gender variant girl and boy as protagonists.
Should It Matter If Being Gay Is A Choice?
Just assume that being gay is a choice and that the bulk of humanity is inherently bisexual. What does that mean in terms of the battle for rights? You see, this assumption has a lot to do with something else.
Chick-Fil-A Protest Spawned on NYU Campus Over Opposition to Gay Marriage
Bisexual NYU freshmen and Santa Monica, CA native Hillary Dworkoski has launched a protest of Chick-fil-A’s presence on the Greenwich Village campus via a petition on Quoted in a press release, Dworkoski said, “I was disturbed to find out that not only was NYU supporting an extremely anti-gay company, but it was also home to New York City’s only Chick-fil-A restaurant. I knew I had to do something.”
Of Bisexuality and Desert Islands
I’m wondering: are the words “bisexual” and “pansexual” synonymous?
Whatever the case, there seems to be a lot of younger folks “coming out” as bisexuals and pansexuals these days, at least in the Twitter realm of the Internet. Which is cool . . .
Teens publish book about their lives beyond school
He read that he was 9 years old when he acknowledged he liked pretending he was a girl, but that it took much longer to admit to his family he is bisexual.
Happy Endings and Gay PDA in Prime Time
Any show that has the chutzpah to show two men making out in prime time has my respect and support. In case you hadn’t noticed, America is still a little homophobic, and its homophobia is much more pronounced when it comes to PDA between gay men on TV than when it’s between women.