Books!: Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics

Look Both Ways
Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics
Jennifer Baumgardner; Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2007
Purchase Here: AilbrisBarnes and Noble

[Publisher] For author and activist Baumgardner, bisexuality has always been more than the “sexual non-preference of the ’90s.” Here she takes a close look at gay and bisexual people on the national cultural stage and the issues their growing visibility raises. In a society supposedly grown more open and accepting, what can it mean that bisexuality continues to be marginalized by both gay and straight cultures, and dismissed either as a phase or, worse, a cop-out’ Baumgardner discusses her own experience as a bisexual, and the struggle she’s undergone to reconcile the privilege of a woman who is perceived as straight, and the empowerment and satisfaction she’s derived from her relationships with women. Her book is a study in bisexual lives lived secretly and openly, and an exploration of the lessons learned by writers, artists, and activists who have refused the either/or paradigm defended by both gay and straight communities.


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