When I’m Sixty-Four (2004) Made for Television
It’s about the friendship that grows between two older men Ray and from very different backgrounds, whose paths cross for the first time as they approach retirement age. From Wikipedia: Jim (Alun Armstrong) has just retired from teaching at the school he first attended when he was four years old; Ray (Paul Freeman) is a cab driver, fed up with being an unpaid babysitter for his grandchildren. When they meet by chance, they discover they long for the same things: adventure, challenge and love. Together, Ray and Jim discover that it’s time to try the things they never dared in their youth.
I simply adore this movie because most gay movies are being made for the younger set but we never really see the stories about older men falling in love. I wasn’t looking for it as I was looking for another movie but what attracted me was the relationship of older men finding themselves falling in love. It was so sad when Ray found the the book and finding the man two wishes were to travel the world and fall in love. It struck a cord with me that all of us could find ourselves reaching 65 and it’s possible to have either never falling in love yet or lost someone when you need theme the most. Both points to where you are alone with not yourself but in the world.
When you’re young it’s easier to adjust but when you reach that age, there is less likely chance of finding someone. You are faced with an either/or position. hot 65 you either live the rest of your life alone or find someone.
Because even though it was a a little under one and half hours, the slow progression of them coming together was lovely and I so was happy that Ray made a choice because he realize he won’t live forever, he went with his heart and chose to be with Jim.